Ban On Genetically Modified Eggplants Lifted
Scientists from the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) have expressed the desire to apply for commercial propagation of genetically modified (GM) eggplants. This stems from the recent ruling of the Supreme Court to reverse its decision to stop field trials of the GM eggplant in December of 2015. Project leader Dr. Desiree M. Hautea stated that the application would continue immediately after data from a series of tests done since 2004 have been consolidated. To address the social conflicts which brought about the initial decision to ban trials on the GM eggplant, Hautea said that they would hold another round of public hearings. These hearings would cover such topics as biosafety and profitability for farmers by sharing laboratory and field results, as there are still many misconceptions regarding genetically modified crops. Hautea has admitted that conflicts are likely to arise regarding this topic. "That’s where the local governments must come in to manage it," she said. Hautea plans to start the application process after more testing early next year.